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Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Gesine Paul-Visse is a consultant neurologist and professor of Neurology at Lund University (LU) and Skåne University Hospital, Sweden.  She trained at the Charité in Berlin, UMDS in London and St Andrews University, Scotland. Attracted by Lund as a worldwide pioneering center for neurotransplantation, she joined the lab of Prof. Patrik Brundin supported by an EU Marie Curie postdoc fellowship. Since 2011, she leads a preclinical research group “Translational Neurology” at LU with a focus to understand mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders, in particular how neurovascular changes contribute to neurodegeneration.


Bridging the lab and the clinic, Gesine Paul-Visse is a clinical research fellow in at the Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine and also investigator in several clinical trials addressing the neurorestorative effect of growth factors and cell transplantation in Parkinson’s disease. Her vision is to contribute to the development of therapies not only leading to therapeutic improvement but structural regeneration.